William Balfour, the man who police have helled in custody as a suspect in the murders of Oscar Winner - Jennifer Hudson's family was formally charged with 3 counts of 1st-degree murder. I don't feel like typing all this so here is the story from MTV. com...
Prosecutors contended that Balfour killed the three family members because he was angry that his estranged wife, the singer's sister Julia, was dating another man, and said that he went to the family's home the morning of the killings and confronted her. Prosecutors told the court that Balfour had driven to the Hudson home on October 24 (despite his claim that he took an "L" train), that he and Julia had left the house together and that she saw him walking toward a car. They said he returned to the home at the time of the shootings with a weapon that belonged to Hudson's brother, Jason (believed to have been taken without permission).
Balfour's mother, Michelle Davis-Balfour, countered that he was dating three other women at the time, and that jealousy would not have been an issue. She told reporters outside the courthouse that the police and prosecutors' version of events "doesn't make any sense." "My son did not do this," she insisted.
Prosecutors said that they had cell phone tower records proving Balfour was in the area of the Hudson home and not his home, as Balfour claimed to police. They said they had public-transit records and surveillance camera footage proving that he did not take an "L" train as claimed. They said they had multiple witnesses who claim to have seen Balfour with a gun or heard him say he had a weapon. And they said they found gunshot residue on the steering wheel of the car that they claimed he had driven the morning of the murders.
Balfour's attorney, Joshua Kutnick, disputed the evidence, saying that there were no witnesses to the murders, and there was no connection between Balfour and the gun police think were used in the murders.
Balfour's mother, Michelle Davis-Balfour, countered that he was dating three other women at the time, and that jealousy would not have been an issue. She told reporters outside the courthouse that the police and prosecutors' version of events "doesn't make any sense." "My son did not do this," she insisted.
Prosecutors said that they had cell phone tower records proving Balfour was in the area of the Hudson home and not his home, as Balfour claimed to police. They said they had public-transit records and surveillance camera footage proving that he did not take an "L" train as claimed. They said they had multiple witnesses who claim to have seen Balfour with a gun or heard him say he had a weapon. And they said they found gunshot residue on the steering wheel of the car that they claimed he had driven the morning of the murders.
Balfour's attorney, Joshua Kutnick, disputed the evidence, saying that there were no witnesses to the murders, and there was no connection between Balfour and the gun police think were used in the murders.
My Prayers go out to the family and i hope justice is served and we get the truth behind this senseless crime....
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