Wednesday, December 3, 2008
MeRrY ChRiStMaS FrOm ThE Queen
ShE's BaCk!!!...
UmMm... EvErYbOdY's A RaPpEr...
CaDiLlAc ReCoRdS PrEmIeRe

YoU hEaR It FiRsT

ThE ReTuRn Of BrItNeY!!!
LiViNg LeDgEnD???...
I kinda agree with kanye on this one... I think beyonce has been inspired by her predocessors and has tried to take it to the next level... I agree with him when he says beyonce is a Living legend... I dont have to name names and say who's better because I think when you reach a certian level thats it... as b says in Cadillac Records.."It dont get no better" maybe I'm a little partile.. what do yall think...
Questions, Comments, Concerns???...
JuSt LiKe Me
YoU ReAdY BiLl, LeT's Go GeT'eM
DaMn... ThE RiDe iS oVeR!!!


Balfour's mother, Michelle Davis-Balfour, countered that he was dating three other women at the time, and that jealousy would not have been an issue. She told reporters outside the courthouse that the police and prosecutors' version of events "doesn't make any sense." "My son did not do this," she insisted.
Prosecutors said that they had cell phone tower records proving Balfour was in the area of the Hudson home and not his home, as Balfour claimed to police. They said they had public-transit records and surveillance camera footage proving that he did not take an "L" train as claimed. They said they had multiple witnesses who claim to have seen Balfour with a gun or heard him say he had a weapon. And they said they found gunshot residue on the steering wheel of the car that they claimed he had driven the morning of the murders.
Balfour's attorney, Joshua Kutnick, disputed the evidence, saying that there were no witnesses to the murders, and there was no connection between Balfour and the gun police think were used in the murders.
ThE PoT CaLlInG ThE KeTtLe BlAcK

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Oh No He DiDnt'....
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
It'S B'dAy NoVeMbEr XVIII(i.e. 18) 2008
NeW ViDeOs....
3.2.1... TRL iS GoNe...
BaRaCk On 60 Min...

Friday, November 14, 2008
CiRcUs PrEvIeW!!!...

Thursday, November 13, 2008
If I WeRe On OpRah...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
CoLoReD OnLy
808's & LaWsUiTs...

Initially some speculated that Knight accidentally shot himself, but that claim was later refuted after eyewitnesses confirmed that at least six shots were fired during the incident. Suge is now suing for damages!!! Now Suge know he wrong.. but I ain't gonna comment future because people who beef with Suge end up dead...Kanye we suggest you send that nigga a check.. ask 2 Pac about it...
YoU hEaR It FiRsT
Mr. & MrS. SmItH UpDate

ThE WaY It Is...


Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Ms. HoUsToN... We HaVe a PrObLeM!...
ThE WoRlD MuSiC AwArDs
Sunday, November 9, 2008
ShAwTy WaNnA Be A ThUg...

Saturday, November 8, 2008
M.t.V. EuRoPe ViDeO MuSiC AwArDs

KaNyE WeSt - HeArTlEsS
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I aM aN A.m.E.r.I.c.A.n.

Wow first off let me say I’m sorry for the hiatus but I had a death in the family and I’m not taking it to well so I haven’t been in a bogging mood. First Off I Just Want to SCREAM YES WE CAN!!!! CHANGE #O8. I don’t think words can truly express how I feel about this years election outcome… I myself never thought it would be a black president!!!! Obama has showed me that anything is possible and as of Nov. 4th I finally feel like an American.. No hyphens needed…. I owe the American people an apology because I never thought that they would put a black man in office. I really thought Americans were that bigoted and ignorant. I also would like to give a HUGE thank You to Mr. President G.W. Bush Jr. because I truly believe that if you hadn’t had fucked up so bad that this day would not be possible!!!! Thank you so much for being the self righteous ass-hole that you are J !!!!! anyways back to that celeb news……
Friday, October 31, 2008
WhO's ThE MaStEr? ShO'nUfF!!!...

Well it looks as if one of my favorite movies growing up is being remade.... I'm really not sure if this is a good thing or not. the first movie really sucks when you look at it now.. the story line, the acting, etc... everything was really cheesy which makes it funny. a movie about a black kung-fu master named "Bruce Leroy"....LOL! Anywayz according to The Hollywood Reporter, the Samuel L. Jackson will play “Sho'nuff, the Shogun of Harlem,” a role played by the late Julius Carry in the original film. The Last Dragon update will coincide with the 50th anniversary of Berry Gordy’s Motown Records next year. Well i guess I'll have to wait and see who else they cast....
Questions, Comments, Concerns???...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
MeSsAgE 2 ThE SwAgGeR JaCkEr'S
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
QuEeN B. iS Da BaDdEsT B****
Questions, Comments, Concerns???....
ThE KiNg
Sorry.... Bare With Me

Saturday, October 25, 2008
BeEp BeEp BeEp...
Friday, October 24, 2008
T.I.P. WaNtS YoUr TiPs...
StRaIgHt SaVaGe

Both rappers also face several multi-million dollar lawsuits throughout the country, for allegedly booking shows, keeping the advance monies and failing, or refusing to perform. Well I guess they should have swerved on em'
OuR HeArTs & PrAyErS Go OuT...

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Jennifer Hudson's mother was one of two victims shot and killed in Chicago earlier today.A neighbor tells TMZ the other victim was Jennifer's brother Jason. A cousin who lived nearby discovered the bodies.We're told the two bodies were found dead on the scene at 2:44 PM. When the fire department arrived and discovered the bodies were already dead, police were brought in and the home was declared a crime scene.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
ExTeNdEd NoToRiOuS & CaDiLlaC ReCoRdS TrAiLeR

ReTuRn ThE FaVoR
RiRi On ThE SeT Of ReHaB
BeYoNcE's EaTiN' GoOd

StIcK-Up KiD

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
NeW HiLlS SpIn OfF...
Monday, October 20, 2008
WhO AiNt GaY...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
ThE CaRtEr Is HaViNg A CaRtEr ii

OriGinAl SoUl TrAin HoSt PuLlS An OJ

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
"I aM... SaShA FiErCe" AlBuM CoVeRs
Disc 1( of 2)
1.If I Were A Boy
4.Broken-Hearted Girl
5.Ave Maria
Disc 2( of 2)
1.Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)
4.Sweet Dreams
5.Video Phone
Deluxe Edition

Disc 1( of 2)
1.If I Were A Boy
4.Broken-Hearted Girl
5.Ave Maria
6.Smash Into You
8.That's Why You're Beautiful
Disc 2( of 2)
1.Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)
4.Sweet Dreams
5.Video Phone
8.Scared Of Lonely
PrOjEcT RuNwAy FiNaLe

HeArTLeSs...YoU HeRe It FiRsT

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
GuEsS WhO's BaCk???...

So HaRd 2 SaY GoOdByE

Rant on last night’s finale episode of Making the Band!!!
How the HELL is Sean “ puffy”, “P. Diddy”, “Diddy”, ”Sean Jean”, Combs going to tell somebody they need to humble themselves???…. My problem is not really with the girls in DK… It’s with Diddy.. He really act like his shit don’t stink.. They only classic artist you’ve had on bad boy is Notorious B.I.G.! you got platinum plaques but people don’t like you they like the people on your songs… seriously who would have listened to last night if Keyshia Cole wasn’t on it???…. “Crickets”. he really tries to make Aubrey look bad but he actually makes himself look like even more of an ass hole… I don’t even really like Aubrey but I don’t like to see people get hated on for doing them… diddy got a habit of dropping artist so don’t get mad 4 a girl getting her hustle on cuz she knew this DK shit wont forever… he really aint like when she called him out about that dawn shit.. Aubrey need to take her ass to Geffen records and get it poppin’! D.Woods got fired for being a friend which is even more BS.. She need to take her as to Geffen or one of them ATL labels.. To the remaining member of DK.. yall will get to make1 more album so mtv can document yall trying to move forward as a trio and then on that year’s season finale yall will decide to go your “separate ways” and Dawn will walk away with a solo deal with bad boy…….Andréa and Shannon… wake the hell up.. Okay.. I’m done

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Da BiTcH ReSpOnDes
CaNt GeT nO hElP NoWhErE...